GEOLITE Aggregate For Geotechnical Applications

GEOLITE is a pumice fill with a gradation of 20 mm x 50 mm and a loose dry density of 450 kg/m3 and a maximum saturated density of 1000 kg/m3. GEOLITE is naturally inert and environmentally safe, has high bearing capacity and its high angles of internal friction compare favourably with conventional soils, resulting in economic solutions for challenging soil conditions. Additional Information on GEOLITE
We currently supply various gradations of pumice for the following applications:
Granular sized pumice, 2 mm x 9 mm, is used as a soil amendment for potting soils to improve drainage and contribute to moisture retention. Pumice sand is used as a propagation media. Pumice is used as a hydroponics growing media, as an athletic field conditioner, for turfgrass aeration on golf greens and tees and as a carrier for fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.
Lightweight Concrete Products

Other concrete product qualities include uniformity of colour and texture, freeze-thaw resistance, nail ability and saw ability. Pumice is the aggregate of choice for stone veneer (faux rock), a manufactured product which now consumes more than half of North American pumice production.
Lightweight Structural Concrete
Lightweight concretes have been used since the Roman Empire and are now widely used in floor sections in high-rise buildings, floor topping in low-rise buildings, floating bridges, bridge decks, drilling platforms and tilt-up concrete industrial and commercial buildings.
Interest in lightweight concrete in high-rise buildings has increased recently, not so much for the lightweight characteristics which reduce steel and erection costs, but for its high elasticity. Pumice concrete has six times the flexural strength than normal concrete and, with reduced seismic moment, is more resilient to earthquakes and other shocks.
Fire resistance is a major motivation for using lightweight concrete. A two-hour rated floor assembly can be achieved with 81.25 mm of lightweight versus 112.5 mm of normal concrete.
EuroLightCon is a substantial European consortium which has reinvented the approach to lightweight aggregates, lightweight concrete production, mix designs, test methods for quality assurance and the performance of various lightweight concrete structures (EuroLightCon Reports see all 44 reports)
Interest in lightweight concrete in high-rise buildings has increased recently, not so much for the lightweight characteristics which reduce steel and erection costs, but for its high elasticity. Pumice concrete has six times the flexural strength than normal concrete and, with reduced seismic moment, is more resilient to earthquakes and other shocks.
Fire resistance is a major motivation for using lightweight concrete. A two-hour rated floor assembly can be achieved with 81.25 mm of lightweight versus 112.5 mm of normal concrete.
EuroLightCon is a substantial European consortium which has reinvented the approach to lightweight aggregates, lightweight concrete production, mix designs, test methods for quality assurance and the performance of various lightweight concrete structures (EuroLightCon Reports see all 44 reports)
Cosmetic Pumice Stones
Natural lump pumice has been used to cleanse and beautify hands, elbows and feet for hundreds of years.
Landscape Boulders

Pozzolans & Other Future Products
We are testing and conducting market analysis for additional applications such as:
Chemically, Mt. Meager pumice is 66% silica and 16% alumina, with a pH of 7.0, MOHS hardness of 5.5, creamy white colour and a liquid absorption capacity of 40%.
The uniqueness of the Mt. Meager pumice lies in its quality and consistency and the availability of large blocks of pumice up to one cubic metre in size. This is the only pumice mine in Canada. The deposit lies closer to a marine port than any other deposit in North America, providing the opportunity to export in bulk to the Pacific Rim.
- Pozzolans - World annual pumice production is 18 million tonnes of which 50% is used as a pozzolan or supplementary cementatious material, either as an additive or interground with clinker to manufacture cement. The Ministry of Energy and Mines in B.C. together with CANMET from Natural Resources Canada has identified the Mt. Meager Pumice deposit as the leading source of natural pozzolans in B.C. Reserves are estimated to exceed 25 million tonnes and the pumice exhibits good pozzolanic properties producing concrete with superior properties in comparison with normal concrete.
- It is widely accepted that the production of one tonne of cement produces more than one tonne of CO2 or GHG emissions and consumes 5.5 GJ of energy. Climate Change is a tremendous opportunity for high quality and economic pozzolans to manufacture blended Portland pozzolan cements and reduce emissions.
- Stonewash denim and other fabrics (Mt. Meager pumice rates among the highest quality stone wash pumices in the world).
- Kitty litter
- Chemical and petroleum floor dry absorbent
- Filtration media for aquariums and ponds and for filtering beer and animal, vegetable and mineral oils
- Biofilter- Filtration media for removing odours
- Charcoal grill beds
- Pumice is also widely used for stuccos, fillers, abrasives, polishing and wallboard manufacturing.

The uniqueness of the Mt. Meager pumice lies in its quality and consistency and the availability of large blocks of pumice up to one cubic metre in size. This is the only pumice mine in Canada. The deposit lies closer to a marine port than any other deposit in North America, providing the opportunity to export in bulk to the Pacific Rim.